
A paeon to parking
Early this morning as I walked to the garage I saw snow sparkling in the moonlight along the deer-track-pocked path--but anyone unfamiliar with our immense complex garage saga has no idea why that statement is so remarkable.

We have a garage! And for the first winter since we moved out to the woods, I can park my car in the garage every single day if I want to! Which is a really good thing, because last week one day when I left the car outside in some wet weather followed by a hard freeze, my car doors froze shut and then froze open, refusing to latch despite all our efforts. "I can drive to work holding on door shut," I said, "but it's hard to drive while holding both doors shut!"

When I get home from work these days I'm so exhausted that I function on auto-pilot: drive halfway up the driveway, get out of the car, open the garage door, get back in the car, pull into the garage, close the garage door, walk the rest of the way up the hill to the house....I do it without much awareness. But early in the morning when I walk back down the hill, I am grateful for my garage. No more scraping, no more doors frozen shut, no more wondering whether the car will make it around that last steep icy curve; just snow sparkling on moonlight and the sound of woodland creatures scurrying into the undergrowth and a car safely stowed where ice and snow can't go.

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