The Sixth Meeting...
This morning lecture remind me a wonderful listening class in 2010. It was a nice moment when we work in a group instead of work individually. Everything seemed great because it was an easy job to take the conclusion of the recording played by the lecturer. Once the recording played, I opened the audio-script and got the conclusion right away. Even it was very easy to put the best title because of the script. And.... it happened again when I did the same thing giving the same material to the students. They worked in a group and it seemed they really understood the material given. in fact, only one group got the right conclusion and put the best title based on the audio-script. Yes.... you are absolutely right! I said. But when I got closer, I saw one of them did the same thing as I did. He got the script from his laptop, and of course it was an easy way to conclude and to put the right title of the recording, even when you didn't listen to it. Good job, I said. But you Failed!!!
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